
No. 492: From the Old Bird's Paw

An anthology I was in recently, TOO FAR, edited by Joseph Lambert, is now available for purchase and perusal HERE. It is extremely well designed and, although I've only seen a PDF, is amazingly cohesive and satisfying as a reading experience. How many anthologies can you say that about??

(Picture stolen from Joe.)

Also, my friend Chris Wright recently started a new blog, and posted a giant chunk of one of the best comics I've ever read.

"Work" on the Walt Disney comic book anthology extravaganza continues steadily. Thank you to all the amazing cartoonists who have sent me things so far! I might do a "preview" post in the near future.

Make a world in your brain; live in it and block the pain.


No. 491: NBC Sitcom

No. 490: Chancellor Cop & Bethany 1

No. 489: Don't Sell Me

No. 488: Reg'lar Fellas


No. 487: Calling All Artists, Come On Out to Burbank and Show Us What You Can Do

Did Uncle Remus’ beautiful bluebirds tell you? I am working on a minicomic anthology about WALT DISNEY. So far a bountiful wealth of quality contributors are planned, and I am still on the lookout for more. If YOU would like to be one of them, please e-mail me at danenitram@gmail.com. I would be honored! The focus is on Walt Disney the man but comics on his product are welcome, too. The physical size of the book will be 8 ½ x 11; the page count is up to you.

I am planning on sending a long e-mail to contributors soon, attempting to get people excited about WALT DISNEY. I’m not sure when the book will be released. I want its creation to happen slowly and organically.


Unca Dane


No. 486: No One Doesn't Love You

No. 485: Doodling on the Back of Important Papers

No. 484: Spirit of the Family Farm

No. 483: TOUCH


No. 482: Dream Harder, Little Funny Aminal

Today, I found, from 2009, this unfinished, unused drawing I did for Jeff Lok and Bryan Stone's Funny Aminals #1 comic book. Looking at it for the first time in over a year, I feel like a completely different person drew it. Eerie. Click it to see it in its full, uncomfortable glory.


No. 481: Outside the Hotel Brisque, 1947

No. 480: FUNNY Page 7

No. 479: FUNNY Page 6


No. 478: FUNNY Page 5

No. 477: FUNNY Page 4


No. 476: FUNNY Page 3

No. 475: Uh-Oh

This is a delicate topic but it is time to address it. I am trying to scrape together funds to perhaps alter the course of my life. (i.e., save it) If you or a loved one would like a drawing of anything at all, 9 x 12 or whatever size you prefer, please let me know. The subject can be whatever you desire. I am thinking this should cost between $75 and $100, but we can talk bizness. I was recently contacted by a complete stranger to do a painting for a baby's bedroom. If you'd like a WACKY DRAWING for your office, living room, or pornographic fetish dungeon, I AM YOUR MAN.

Drawings and original art for comics pages are available, too. And for $25, I will doodle all over an old book and send it to you. Best value.

Believe me, I felt as gross writing that as you did reading it, but I thought I would let my services be known.

I am your cartoon boy.


No. 474: From the Draw Baby Orphanage Archives

No. 473: Dog's Longins

No. 472: FUNNY Page 2


No. 471: FUNNY Part 1


No. 470: Power of the Pix

I'm working on a story about Chancellor Cop and a steamship that will be released in two-panel installments on this blog. I am drawing it with a grocery store pen. It has a positive life message.

Also, recently on Uncle John's Crazy Town, Uncle John pieced together a background from a Mintz cartoon that is completely insane and sums up the power of kartoon imagery. View it here.

I won't be at SPX, but I will be sitting in southern Michigan, staring at that image until I can't stand it anymore.

When it's feeding time for the animals
And they howl and growl like the cannibals,
I just turn my heel
To the henhouse steel
And you'll hear me sing this song!


No. 469: Story of the Apple Crates


No. 468: Doodle Truck


No. 468: Piggy's Comic Book Emporium

I have a page in the latest Smoke Signal, issue 6. I'm honored to be nestled in-between the covers of Peter Bagge and Kaz. My strip is about animators bathing in the backyard sun.

You can buy a copy for $3 here.


No. 467: Hospital

No. 466: The Chooser

No. 465: Dress Mess

No. 464: Scraping the Gag Barrel

No. 463: Understanding Comics

No. 462: Fire in the Puppy Pit